Join the conversation with Andrea Paquette, national spokesperson for the Bell Let’s Talk Campaign and MLA Jane Thornthwaite to talk about mental health and learn about the new and exciting Stigma-Free Zone Movement on the Lower Mainland. The office of MLA Jane Thornthwaite for North-Vancouver Seymour invites you to a free community event that is taking place in the riding. Guest Andrea Paquette, who is also the 2015 Courage To Come Back Recipient in Mental Health, Coast Mental Health, is passionate about educating people, especially youth, on the stigma surrounding mental health. She has been sharing her personal story since 2010 and has reached over 10,000+ youth in schools with her personal message of hope.
Andrea will also share about the Society’s new Stigma-Free Zone Movement and how the Charity is working with community leaders to declare schools, businesses and provincial ridings in BC as stigma-free zones. The Stigma-Free Society is declaring the riding of North-Vancouver Seymour as the first geographical stigma-free zone at the community event on January 25, 2017, Bell Let’s Talk Day. Come and hear about MLA Jane Thornthwaite’s commitments to cultivate the stigma-free zone culture for the riding of North Vancouver-Seymour.
Please RSVP to the event by e-mailing
Learn more about the Stigma-Free Society at their website,