Our Mission

We seek to achieve sustainable and relevant national results in the following specific areas most impacting child and youth health and well-being:

  • Child Safety and Injury Prevention, including the development of strategies to increase quality physical activity and reduce serious injury;

  • Growing Healthy Bodies, including the development of strategies to reduce childhood obesity;

  • Mental Health and Wellness, including actions to improve access to child and youth mental health care;

  • The Environment, including strategies to reduce the impact of environmental factors influencing children’s health; and,

  • Empowering Young Canadians to be strong voices on issues relating to child and youth health.


"Sed dictum ante a leo cursus mattis. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit ipsum at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium. Suspendisse ultrices, tellus vitae varius convallis, ipsum justo commodo dui, a feugiat mauris turpis ut turpis."

— Donovan Mafnas, Impact Volunteer