The CHILD Cohort Study’s new video about the study’s breastfeeding research is now available. The playfully animated short video, CHILD Cohort Study: New scientific insights into breastfeeding, presents numerous CHILD research findings about breastfeeding and its impact on children’s health and development.
Watch the video:
About the CHILD Cohort Study
The CHILD Cohort Study is a prospective longitudinal birth cohort study. This means that CHILD researchers are actively following the Study participants over time as they grow and develop—from mid-pregnancy into childhood and adolescence. CHILD is designed this way so it can collect information at time points that are considered to be especially critical to the health and development of children.
By following the children prospectively as they grow, as opposed to retrospectively (looking back), CHILD researchers are able to more accurately learn about how different early-life exposures relate to health and disease outcomes.
CHILD findings will influence medical practice, parenting choices, consumer product regulation and policy development—from building codes and household purchasing behaviours to decisions about childbirth and delivery, diet , breastfeeding, cleaning products used in homes, owning a family pet and dealing with stress.
CHILD is the largest multidisciplinary, longitudinal, population-based birth cohort study in Canada and is designed to be one of the most informative studies of its kind in the world.
For more information and the latest findings from the CHILD Cohort Study, visit