Please note: Eastern Time Zone.
Presenters: Dr. Astrid Guttman, Shelley Callaghan
Primary care reform has been a major policy initiative across a number of Canadian provinces. Little is known about how reform efforts will address the needs of children and youth. At the same time, there are a number of other core healthcare services for children and youth that fall under provincial/territorial jurisdiction. These include access to pharmacare, dental care, and developmental screening including for hearing and vision. This webinar will summarize findings from a CIHR funded investigation of primary health care services for children and youth in Canada using a range of sources including stakeholder questionnaires, national surveys and other health administrative data recently released as part of a new on-line CICH Profile Module focused on Primary Care Services. Topics to be covered include the structure of primary care services, indicators of access and effectiveness, as well as what is known about funding and access to other primary health care services such as dental and developmental screening. Data will presented by province and territory, and some comparative findings with the US will be discussed.