Children First Canada: National Child Day Forum recap

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Source: Children First Canada

The National Child Day Forum Tuesday at Telus Harbour in Toronto was an amazing event. Nearly 50 youth aged 11-17 came together to discuss issues of child health and wellbeing and the newly finalized Canadian Children's Charter. Over lunch, these youth delegates were charged with sitting with the adult guests and sharing their thoughts.

For many, it was the first time that adults were asking the youth for their opinion on issues that really matter to them.

Much of the discussion was around the finalized CANADIAN CHILDREN'S CHARTER, presented on Tuesday. In fact, Justin Trudeau, in his National Child Day message to Canadians made particular note of the Canadian Children's Charter. It is a tribute to the children and youth who have spent the last year developing this Charter to raise awareness of what they need to thrive in Canada.

Children First Canada and the O'Brien Institute for Public Health also released a second report with Economic Commentary on Raising Canada. This report puts forward a clear and urgent case for investing in children. 

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Last year in Ottawa, Mme Sophie Gregoire Trudeau was moved by the work of Canada's children and youth to create the Canadian Children's Charter. This year, she presented a message of empowerment to the children and youth delegates, and the adults. CLICK HERE

The panel was amazing. Moderated by Lisa LaFlamme, CTV News Anchor and a member of the Children First Canada Council of Champions, the panel discussion was both enlightening and challenging. Josh Blair, Executive Vice-President of TELUS Health, Rhiannon Traill, CEO of the Economic Club of Canada, along with two of our youth hosts, Roman Wolfli and Arielle Lok. spoke from the heart about why, how and what we need to do in Canada to ensure our children are supported.

The day ended with three of the youth hosts putting out a Call to Action:

1.  The establishment of the Children's Commissioner
2.  The publishing of a Children's Budget
3.  The adoption of the Canadian Children's Charter.

It was an amazing day - with wonderful ideas from the children and youth to make Canada the best place for kids to grow up. For more, visit Children First Canada.