Take MLSE's Change the Game Survey for a Chance to Win Some Great Prizes!


Attention youth aged 6 to 29 (and parents/guardians)! The Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) Foundation has launched the Change the Game research project, an Ontario-wide youth sport census to understand sport/recreation access, engagement, and equity issues. Existing sport equity report cards lack insights for deeper understanding of racial, cultural, geographical, other socioeconomic factors. Our research hopes to answer longstanding questions around youth sport participation and barriers to participation.

Take the ten-minutes survey by March 31, 2021 and enter for a chance to win tickets to a future Raptors, Leafs, Argos or Toronto FC home game or team swag. The goal is to survey 5000_ youth and parents of youth across Ontario. All insights and recommendations from the survey will be made publicly available for youth, families, communities, sport organizations, researchers, funders, and leaders alike to be able to access and use in their work. Feedback provided by youth and parents will directly help inform how and where a $30mill funding commitment to free programming for youth will be allocated.