"The Kids are Not Alright." Children First Canada hosts event to highlight Raising Canada 2022 Report's Findings.

On October 6th, Children First Canada will host an interactive digital event highlighting the Raising Canada 2022 report. It will include a lively discussion with leading child health experts, thought leaders and youth centered upon the findings of Raising Canada 2022 and how you can take action!

​This virtual event will explore how the pandemic and the top 10 threats to childhood in Canada have had a disproportionate effect on equity-deserving children and youth, and the economic analysis on the social returns of investing in kids!

The Raising Canada 2022 Report paints a startling picture of what it is like to be a child in Canada today. From coast to coast to coast, many children do not make it to their 18th birthday. The infant mortality rate in Canada is higher than in most wealthy countries, and suicide is a leading cause of death for children and youth. These devastating statistics are too alarming to be ignored.

The report seeks to elevate the voices of children and youth, reinforcing their right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Building a more prosperous and inclusive society will require the leadership of children and youth. They are our next generation of business leaders, teachers, doctors, activists and politicians. Many are already leaders in their schools and communities, launching climate movements, organizing social justice marches, and urging companies to align more closely with their values.

​Children and youth were incorporated into all aspects of the research. They will also continue to play a central role in disseminating the findings and advocating for policies and investments to ensure the protection of their rights.

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