On Wednesday, July 5, 2023, The Sandbox Project will join Parachute and others to celebrate the seventh National Injury Prevention Day in Canada. Our goal: to educate others about the devastating effects of predictable and preventable injuries and help all Canadians live long lives to the fullest.
Parachute’s National Injury Prevention Day (NIPD) is a day to raise awareness around the importance of injury prevention and aid Canadians to live long lives to the fullest through education and advocacy. Health Canada recognizes this date as an official National Health Promotion Day.
Most injuries are predictable and preventable:
The goal is to provide the necessary information and tools to the public and to work diligently to ensure that one day Canada will be free of serious injuries.
Quick facts
Every day, 48 Canadians die, and 634 are hospitalized because of injuries.
Preventable injury kills more Canadian children than any disease, and more youth than all other causes combined.
75% of injury-related deaths are from unintentional causes, such as falls, car crashes and poisonings.
Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits and disabilities in Canada.
Improvements in the area of injury prevention have been made, but there’s still more work to do.
Impact of 2022’s National Injury Prevention Day
Media coverage of NIPD garnered 33.4 million impressions in 2022: Parachute staff did 21 interviews with CBC Radio / Radio-Canada morning shows; news outlets in Ontario and Alberta published stories about injury-prevention initiatives in those provinces, such as ATV safety best practices. Both Parachute and the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance issued news releases about NIPD, with the Alliance drawing attention to the fact that falls cause twice as many deaths among older adults than motor vehicle crashes. These releases drew another 61.4 million impressions.