Allergy Aware

Anaphylaxis in the Community: What Parents and Others Need to Know

From Food Allergy Canada:

We are pleased to announce our latest online learning tool, Anaphylaxis in the Community: What Parents and Others Need to Know available at Developed with Leap Learning Technologies Inc. and in collaboration with the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, this free, medically-reviewed resource is designed for people with potentially life-threatening allergies and those who care for them. The launch of this interactive course, offered in English and French is timed with the celebration of Food Allergy Awareness Month (May 2016). Further details are included in our press release and "Are you Prepared?" flyer.

We encourage you to visit and share this information with others who are interested in food allergy and anaphylaxis.

New online course helps educators to keep allergic kids safe at school

Anaphylaxis Canada has launched a new online course to help teachers, administrators and educational staff to keep allergic students safe at school

Anaphylaxis in Schools: What Educators Need to Know is a free, bilingual resource available to schools across the country. The course incorporates graphics, audio narration, practice scenarios, and step-by-step visual guides to help educators prevent and manage emergency situations at school.