International Association of Youth Mental Health

Report from the International Association of Youth Mental Health Conference

From October 8 to 10th, I had the extremely humbling and exciting opportunity to represent the Young Canadians Roundtable on Health (YCRH) at the International Association of Youth Mental Health conference in Montreal, Quebec. This opportunity would not have been possible without the generous support of the Graham Boeckh and two other Foundations.

I started off my conference journey by attending the pre-conference workshop around using social media to engage youth and the opening reception. I spent hours getting to know the folks in the workshop, learning about best practices and the process of rapid prototyping as problem solving. My greatest take away from the session however, was around language and words from various countries and the way they resonate with different people. The day concluded with the opening reception where I had the chance to meet with many people from various countries such as Australia, Scotland, and the USA and I met the Norfolk and Suffolk youth advisory council for the first time, who in the end became my adopted family.