One Young World

One Young World: Reflections from a jet lagged, but inspired, attendee

YCRH member Alicia Raimundo on the One Young World Summit 2015

From November 18-21, 2015, 1300 diverse young people from around the globe, bonded by a desire to improve the world, gathered together in Bangkok Thailand. We addressed significant topics such as health, disability, refugees, climate change, and prevention of hate and terrorism. As the days progressed, it became clear to me that each of these topics influences the others. 

If we don’t have a safe place to live, how can we maintain good health? If the environment around us is getting progressively worse, how will we continue to have access to good food and healthcare (especially in island states around the world that are sinking)? These are the new perspectives, projects and ideas that I am excited to bring back to the Young Canadians Roundtable on Health. They will influence our work going forward.