ADHD Tips n' Tricks

By Christine Wincentaylo, General Member

I got diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at the age of eighteen. I was in my second year of university. It took me over six months just to complete the questionnaire because I kept putting it off and said: “I would deal with it later.”

Finally, I gave my papers, and wow, I was shocked to be told that I had been diagnosed with ADHD. 

I remember telling my aunt and mother about wanting to be tested for ADHD, and they told me I didn't have it because my cousins who had it were very hyper, and I was nothing like them.

My journey with my ADHD has been challenging yet rewarding at times. I wish I had known some of these tools before I got diagnosed, and even now, I am always learning about new resources to help me.

Welcome to the ADHD guide of all the tools that helped me!

Read & Write - Google Chrome Extension 

  • Helps read websites

  • Offered in Multiple languages 

  • I prefer using papers in a PDF version and then using Read & write; it works better for extension

  • You can highlight words and keep them saved for the next time you review a paper or article 

** I recommend going to your Access and Disability Resources office, which offers training on how to use Read & Write**

Taking Omega 3’s weekly (especially on days I know I will be busy) 

  • Personally, It has helped me with improving my impulsivity, attention, and memory

  • Omega 3’s  have helped me lower the dose of medication I am on 

** I am not a doctor; this is from my personal observation and experience. Do ask your doctor or medical specialist for information on Omega 3’s and its impact **

Setting timers for my days with less structure, which are usually my weekends

  • I set them for 15mins, then 20min, then back to 15mins 

  • I take breaks between these timers and then continue doing work for the set amount of time

Get a medication container to help schedule your medications for each day 

  • It helps me remember to take them in the morning

  • Creates a new thing for my schedule 

Bag of fidget toys 

  • I have a bag for fidgets everywhere I go, especially for school. I have it in my backpack, and sometimes other people need one too, so I occasionally give one to someone else in my class.

  • Here are the fidgets that work for me: tangle palm, fidget rings, squishies 

Watching “How to ADHD”

  • It has helped me learn more about my brain. 

  • Shares different techniques to help with an ADHD brain

Whiteboard for writing reminders 

  • I have a whiteboard in my room, I thrifted mine for $5, but usually, you can find them anywhere between $4-10 at different stores. 

  • I write reminders and due dates for payments or things I need to buy and erase them after its completed