Worldwide Mental Health Initiatives

By Christine Wincentaylo, General Member

Sharing programs, initiatives, and not-for-profits across the globe is an excellent way to highlight global innovations that are creating changes.

Sadly, due to stigmatization, most countries struggle to find the funding and support to create programs and initiatives. 

In 2019, “one in every eight people, or 970 million people around the world, were living with a mental disorder” (World Health Organization, 2022). Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, “estimates show a 26% and 28% increase in anxiety and major depressive disorders” (World Health Organization, 2022).

Experiencing a pandemic has created new barriers and difficulties in navigating mental health supports and resources. I just want to highlight some programs trying to mitigate obstacles and work together with communities.

United States 

Back to School 

  • It’s a toolkit created each year that offers free resources, support, tools, and tips for parents, teachers, and students. 



  • Educates the public about how to create safe media reporting, portrayals, and communication about mental health topics 


Mapa Saúde Mental (Mental Health Map)

  •  a platform that shows online and local projects that offer free therapy sessions in Brazil


The Blurt Foundation

  • A social enterprise that offers free downloadable mental health printables for anyone (yes, even if you are in Canada) created the blurt education program for schools and blog posts for various topics. 


Africa Mental Health Research and Training Foundation 

  • Created CREATE Kenya, which is a tool to help support people to gain employment and support their well-being, providing mental health services for urban and isolated areas through telephone


Yo Quiero Yo Puedo 

  • Raising community awareness of the stigma of mental illnesses and providing programming to communities across Mexico