Ensuring youth voices are being heard by policy makers and decision makers: What is Being Done?

By Julia Smith, General Member

Our planet is witnessing an unprecedented phenomenon—the largest generation of young people in history. With a staggering 1.9 billion individuals between 15 and 30, this vibrant and dynamic cohort holds immense potential to shape our collective future. However, creating a harmonious and prosperous society is crucial to provide young people with a meaningful platform to express their concerns, aspirations, and innovative ideas. By engaging youth in decision-making processes and establishing close relationships with policy and decision-makers, we can foster authentic dialogue, collaboration, and the development of practical solutions. We can address this issue by exploring initiatives highlighting the importance of youth involvement in policy-making and showcasing inspiring efforts to amplify youths' voices and help build a better future. 

National Dialogue in Canada: A Crucial First Step: 

In February 2018, the Government of Canada embarked on a national dialogue with youth to shape the country's first-ever Youth Policy. Over 10,000 responses were gathered through various mediums, including in-person interviews, online forums, and questionnaires. The key themes that emerged were education and employment, physical and mental health, and the environment and climate change. The initiative highlighted the need for economic opportunities, financial literacy, affordable housing, and youth participation in civic life, emphasizing that young people should have a significant role in shaping policies that affect them.

Voices of Youth Indigenous Leaders: Strengthening Indigenous Communities

The Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples recently launched "Voices of Youth Indigenous Leaders 2023"  to highlight the strengths of present-day First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. This year's focus is on Indigenous education, intending to understand different educational experiences and ensure youth voices are heard. The committee seeks insights into traditional and non-traditional Indigenous education, including post-secondary education. This initiative highlights the importance of recognizing and supporting Indigenous youth's educational needs and aspirations.

The Clubhouse Network: Empowering Marginalized Youth

"The Clubhouse Network" is an international community of over 100 Clubhouses across 21 countries. For over 25 years, they have provided underserved and marginalized youth with transformative opportunities. Clubhouses offer a safe and creative out-of-school learning environment where young people can explore their ideas, develop new skills, and build confidence through technology. By leveraging technology, this initiative prepares young individuals for the future and equips them with essential skills.

Transforming Education through Human Rights: A Global Webinar

Amnesty International and Soka Gakkai International organized an international webinar on "Transforming Education through Human Rights." The event aimed to engage young people as policy-makers in transforming education. Discussions revolved around the evolving right to education, the role of culture in education, and how it can advance peace and human rights. With over 500 youth participants, this webinar exemplified the importance of involving young voices in shaping educational policies.

Youth represent the future of our society, governments, and planet. Involving young people in policy-making processes and decision-making tables ensures a bright and inclusive future. The initiatives highlighted in this blog, including Canada's national dialogue, Indigenous youth empowerment, The Clubhouse Network, and the webinar on transforming education through human rights, exemplify the positive steps to amplify youth voices. We can pave the way for a harmonious and prosperous world by recognizing their concerns, aspirations, and innovative ideas. We must continue to prioritize youth engagement and provide them with meaningful opportunities to shape the policies that will impact their lives and the generations to come. After all, our futures are at stake, and our perspectives are crucial to creating a better tomorrow.

Click on the links below to learn more! 

Indigenous Voices: https://sencanada.ca/en/committees/appa/misc/youth-voices-of-indigenous-leaders/2023/?cmp=

Canadian Governments Youth Policy: https://www.canada.ca/en/youth/corporate/transparency/what-we-heard.html 

The Clubhouse Network: https://theclubhousenetwork.org/.

Statistics Canada- Youth Engagement in Politics: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/42-28-0001/2021001/article/00006-eng.htm