Artists to Check Out for Your Summer Playlist

Written by Christine Wincentaylo, General Member

There is new music I am constantly finding, as well as artists that I come across on my TikTok and other social media. 

Before I share a list of artists to listen to, what are the benefits of listening to music, Are there any?

  • Music can make you happier - Research has shown that your brain releases dopamine (the “feel-good” neurotransmitter) when you listen to music you like. 

  • Music can lower stress levels and improve health - Music helps decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which can reduce chronic stress.

  • Helps you sleep better - A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than students who didn’t listen to music before bed.  

  • Music Strengthens Learning and Memory 

Check out these artists:

Rahul Prasad aka Renao

Type: Pop 

This London-based artist came across TikTok from his most-popular song called "Nobody." One of my favorites is  “Jasmine”, his mix of lo-fi, pop, and R&B shows through his songs with his well-versed songwriting. He sings about his experience of being born and raised in India and shares his experience as a brown singer within the music industry. 


Type: Hip hop 

This artist is an Indian-American artist who creates tracks that share his culture and identity through his art. His music production and writing all started in his parent's garage, and did I mention he is only 19?

Valentin Brunel aka Kungs

Type: Electronic

This French DJ has been on my playlist for the gym lately, and he does not get enough hype for his creative mixes. His stage name came from searching multiple languages that translate the word “gentleman.” He started with music at the age of five and never stopped.

Malcolm Todd 

Type: Alternative R&B

This artist is from Los Angeles and is 20 years old. He started gaining traction on TikTok with his single “Art House '', he started with monthly listeners to now millions. 


Type: Pop

This up-and-coming Palestinian-Canadian artist from Toronto has been dropped from her label for being outspoken for what is happening in Gaza, yet her songwriting is becoming more and more popular across TikTok, with her voice that shares her experiences as a Muslim woman within the music industry. 


Claude, Gaspard (2016). "Découvrez qui se cache derrière " This girl " du clip de Kungs - UNTITLED MAGAZINE". UNTITLED MAGAZINE

Genius (2023). Malcolm Todd Lyrics, Songs, and Albums.

Millis Chappel, M. (2023). 15 Benefits Of Listening To Music (Backed by Science). LifeHack. 

Universal Music Canada. (2021). Introducing Nemahsis And Her Debut Single, “what if i took it off for you?”.