Youth Activists Around the World

By Christine Wincentaylo

Gen Z’s are making ways for the future, and what better way to highlight the fantastic work our generation is doing than to share youth change makers across the globe!

Advocacy has been a great way of creating and building connections among the Gen Z community, specifically from the influence of social media.

These youth are all under thirty and have already impacted climate change, social justice, and education.

If there is one thing that I learned from these advocates, it is never too late to start creating change. Age has no limit on the impacts we can make and build together!

Gen Zers make up 26% of the global population. 

55% of the Gen Z population chooses eco-friendly and socially responsible brands.

Gen Zers will make up 27% of the workforce by 2025.

Generation Z – stands out in a new Pew Research Center survey, particularly for their high levels of engagement with the issue of climate change

Gen Zers are the most racial­ly and eth­ni­cal­ly diverse gen­er­a­tion, accord­ing to the Pew Research Cen­ter, with near­ly half of the group’s mem­bers rep­re­sent­ing com­mu­ni­ties of col­or

1.2 billion young people are aged 15 to 24, accounting for the global population.

We are the generation that is becoming leaders at any age.

We are outspoken.

We are willing to make changes for the better.

Here are a few youth advocates that are creating huge impacts across the world, but too many youths across the globe have been making impacts but sadly cannot highlight everyone.

Thandiwe Abdullah 

  1. Played a huge role in delivering the Black Lives Matter message within schools across the United States

  2. She created the Black Lives Matter Youth Vanguard. 

  3. Has continuously offered resources for young Black organizations to continue the discussion of racism and Blackness 

Payla Jangid 

  1. Escaped child slavery and became a child rights advocate

  2. Leader of her villages child parliament 

  3. She regularly advocates for education and is a voice for the children in India. 

Shamma bint Suhail Faris Mazrui

  1. She became the first United Arab Emirates’ first Rhodes Scholar 

  2. She is the minister of youth affairs in the United Arab Emirates; she is the youngest in the world 

  3. Advocating for Muslim youth to be a part of the discussion and how children can be a part of the government 

Jame Margolin

  1. Co-founded Zero Hour, which helps organize rallies, marches, summits, tours…etc. For climate change 

  2. Youngest delegate to be at the 2020 Democratic Convention

  3. Led the "Youth Climate Marches" in Washington, DC, and 25+ cities around the world during the summer of 2018

Desmond is Amazing 

  1. Advocates being true to yourself and enjoying being a tween drag queen & enjoying fashion.

  2. Desmond continues supporting the 2SLGBTQ+ community and provides a voice for members who cannot speak for themselves.

Robby Novak 

  1. The kid president created content in 2016 that became famous for motivational speaking. 

  2. He has been an inspiration for this is the disability community since Novak has osteogenesis imperfecta

Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez 

  1. Climate change activist and advocating for Indigenous and other marginalized groups 

  2. He is a speaker; his first speech was at six years old

  3. Served on the US Youth council and was one of the twenty youth from across America that was present within this group 

Keep sharing, keep advocating, keep hying up the Gen Z’s

I cannot wait to see what the future holds!