Travel in the time of COVID - A Short Story

By Julia Smith, General Member

My family is a family of explorers, we love traveling and visiting new places.  Covid-19 has put a wedge in our travel plans over the last few years. As countries begin to open their borders again after lock downs I am so looking forward to getting out there again. I believe it is indeed possible to travel safely. But….. it’s not as easy as it used to be. 
But it can be done. 

August 2022, Ottawa, Ontario to New York City, New York. 

My mother shouts at me “Julia, get your suitcase packed, we are leaving tomorrow” she pauses, sighs and being the nervous mother she is  follows  her initial statement with “do you really think it’s safe to travel?”

“Yes yes” I shout back, “I’ve done my research, it is safe to travel right now. It is a risk, so you need to know how to mitigate risk and be prepared” I say to my mom.  

Inside I'm bursting with excitement,  as I am getting ready to go on my first flight since Christmas 2019, when we went to Cuba for New Years!

My mind is cluttered with everything that I’ve been reading…

“Wear a mask, keep washing your hands”. Masks are important because they help you from catching the virus and spreading it. 

Rules, rules, what safety measures are in place?  What has the Government imposed this time?  Government rules have evolved over time and continue to evolve.  Each day it seems there are a new set of rules. “Every country seems to have different rules” I think to myself.

Travelers have become more aware and know better how to navigate. How to pick somewhere to go. A good resource that I like to use is the United States Government website, especially since we are off to New York City! It has information on rules for each country. Many countries around the world have loosened restrictions after months of lockdowns. Certain countries still require you to fill out a contact tracing health form. Each country has its own set of evolving rules it seems. It’s very important to check for specific public health guidelines like mandatory public health quarantine time. Is it still a thing? Depends where you are going. 

Ok, back to my packing..Packing is not as simple as it used to be. No longer can you just throw on shorts, a t-shirt and sandals, I need to remember to pack masks. N95 masks, to be used in crowded indoor public spaces, as well as 3 ply or reusable masks for when I'm touring around outside in less crowded places. Oh, and my hand sanitizer, can't forget that. Surface wipes, vaccinations papers, any cold and flu medicines just in case…..easier to have it on hand. Just in case.

The day of the trip. We are off to the airport, I’m sort of used to people wearing masks now but I haven't been to an airport since before Covid -19. It feels different. You need to have a stiff upper lip as you navigate the airport corridors, as there are signs everywhere reminding you that the virus is out there.

I take a deep breath and remind myself that I've done my research and in doing so I have learned that the air inside airplanes might be the safest air that I breathe during my entire vacation! Did you know that they add about 50% fresh air and it’s all hepa filtered. Hepa filters are like the gold standard when it comes to air filtration. 

Seeing that it’s not a very long flight, I have my game plan for the flight. I’m going to use the bathroom before boarding, wearing my N95 mask. I will only take it off briefly to eat or drink. Since it’s a short flight I might just want to refrain from drinking, this way I won't have to use the bathroom either. Of course if I was flying to Australia or somewhere much further I would just remove my mask to eat or drink and then put it back on. 

I notice many people seem to have the same game plan as I do. This gives me comfort, knowing that others are also trying to protect themselves and those around them. I don't hear anyone coughing on the plane, this is strange as in previous flights you are always stuck on a flight with someone who sounds like they are coughing up a lung. I guess those pre screening tools really do work. … for the most part. 

Touch down. Yeah we’ve arrived. 

Once again time to navigate the maze of rules at your point of destination. Do they take your temperature with thermal cameras? Do they make you scan a QR code that links to your vaccination status? Are there no measures in place anymore? Our trip through Customs was pretty uneventful to be honest with you. Sigh. 

Finally, we arrive at the Manhattan hotel. One last thing to do before I  can totally relax for the first time in a bit. 

I hear mom ushering orders again.  

“Julia, get the disinfectant wipes, wipe all the high touch surfaces, you know, handles, light switches, remotes, taps… things that probably wouldn't have been cleaned thoroughly.”

“Yes mother”, I replied.

“Oh and Julia, pop the do not disturb sign on the door handle, this will  assure us that no one else will come in. If we need anything we can always ask at the front desk. “

“Yes mother”.

There are also a litany of new rules around sightseeing and staying safe that my family now practices. Even if the rules are different in different countries, I think it’s still important to use common sense. 

In order to stay safe, walk most of the time. Avoid crowded buses, underground tubes, and busy ferries. If you can, avoid public transport, as there are so many more people using it and it is less controlled, many countries have lifted all their mask wearing protocols. Ventilation systems are not as sophisticated as they are on planes. Take a taxi or an Uber. Wear your mask and open the windows for cross ventilation and sit in the backseat. This is the safest way to go. Depending on where you travel to you could always hire a permitting too of course... 

That’s what we did. Central Park here we come, just a quick wipe of the handle bars. Boy it feels clean, safe, and I got fresh air!

I am so hungry. Time to find somewhere to eat. This is the last obstacle to navigate. 

“Julia, ask for a spot outside” I hear my mother shout to me as I am approaching the hostess. 

“Yes, yes, of course mom” I respond. Weather permitting, always stick to a table outside. In Europe it’s very fashionable to dine outdoors. 

Finally, we sit down at the table. 

“Ahhh”, I sigh, “we did it,” I declare, “ Thanks for taking us on this trip mom and dad. I love New York City!”

I believe it is important for people to be able to travel, see friends and loved ones. As humans, social interactions and desire to travel and explore are important aspects of our lives, It has been difficult for many (including myself) to be isolated for so long due to covid restrictions. Covid-19 may be around for years, or forever! Even with taking precautions, someone may still get Covid, however, by taking the precaution I mentioned above,  people can help reduce the risks of catching it, and the benefits of being social and traveling can be enjoyed.