Brain Health Awareness Month

By Ysabelle Tumaneng, General Member

Did you know that May is Brain Health Awareness Month in Canada? 

What is Brain Health Awareness Month in Canada?

This month is about ensuring we care for our brains and prevent brain diseases. Our brains control everything we do, so keeping them healthy is important! Brain diseases like dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's can affect millions of people and their families, and can be expensive to treat.

According to the Canadian Brain Research Strategy, brain diseases and disorders affect millions of Canadians and their families, resulting in significant economic and societal burdens. It is estimated that by 2031, the number of Canadians with dementia will increase to 1.4 million, and the economic cost of dementia will reach $293 billion.

Why should you care?

Brain Health Awareness is essential because our brain is the most complex organ in our body, controlling everything from our thoughts and emotions to our memories and movements. Brain diseases can be devastating, affecting millions of people and their families and costing billions of dollars in economic and societal burdens.

However, we can prevent brain diseases by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and staying mentally active are all essential in maintaining brain health. Brain Health Awareness Month is a great opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of caring for our brains and promoting brain health research.

The Canadian government's commitment to investing $150 million in brain research over the next ten years is a huge step in advancing our understanding of brain diseases and developing new treatments. By caring for our brains and promoting this research, we can reduce the risk of developing these diseases and maintain our cognitive function as we age.

How can I help?

Increasing brain health awareness is crucial in preventing brain diseases and promoting overall brain health. Here are some ways we can increase awareness:

  1. Share information about brain health and diseases with your family, friends, and community. You can use social media, create posters, and organize events to spread the word.

  2. Encourage healthy habits: This could look like eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. These habits are essential in maintaining brain health and preventing brain diseases.

  3. Support brain health research: Donate to organizations dedicated to advancing our understanding of brain diseases and developing new treatments.

  4. Participate in brain-boosting activities: This could be reading, solving puzzles, and learning new things. These activities help keep our brains active and healthy.

  5. Advocate for policies that support brain health: This includes increased funding for brain health research and programs that promote healthy lifestyles.

By working together to increase brain health awareness, we can promote healthy habits, support research, and reduce the impact of brain diseases on individuals and society.
