2SLGBTQ+ Projects in Canada

Written by Christine Wincentaylo, General Member

So many great community programs and initiatives/projects across Canada support the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and here are some to highlight!

But before sharing these supports, why is it important to have support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community? 


  • Local surveys from OUTSaskatoon showed that “30% of youth in OUTSaskatoon's youth program had been homeless or without secure housing at some point in their lives”. (OUTSaskatoon)

  • Also, the pandemic has impacted our society, especially the most vulnerable. “Only half (48%) of 2SLGBTQ+ respondents report being able to cope with pandemic stress” (Mental Health Commission of Canada, 2022)

  • People who identify within the 2SLGBTQ+ community, specifically youth, “are three times as likely to contemplate suicide, and nearly five times as likely to attempt suicide”(Libguides ). 

Community Programs

OUTSaskatoon - Pride Home 

Saskatoon, SK

OUTSaskatoon opened Pride Home in January 2017 to provide a place for 2SLGBTQ youth to live where they are accepted.  The Pride Home provides a space to build community and live independently, with services and support available. 

If you or someone you know is looking for a safe place to live, please contact their Pride Home Manager at pridehome@outsaskatoon.ca.

Peer N Peer Substance Program — QTH

Edmonton, AB

Peer N Peer (PNP) is a peer-led queer substance use and sexual health program offered by the Queer & Trans Health Collective (QTHC). This program is for individuals where you can get support for how to use substances more safely, change how substance use impacts your sex life, or if you want to stop using substances. 

To access any of these services or to learn more about the program, contact the PNP team at connect@peernpeer.ca or 587-599-7290 (call or text).

The Family Resilience Project 

Edmonton, AB

This project is operated through the CHEW Project and the Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity within the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The project offers free short-term counseling to sexual and gender-diverse (2SLGBTQ+) children, youth, and their families. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health and would like counseling, please email the FRP at families@ualberta.ca

2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program


The 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program aims to break down systemic barriers for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals who want to start, maintain, or grow their business(s). This program provides, support to community organizations working with 2SLGBTQI+ entrepreneurs, mentorship,  and other supports! The program is through the Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC). 

Love Intersections

Vancouver, BC

Love Intersections is a media arts collective of 2SLGBTQ+ community members of colour that create art to explore storytelling to address systemic racism within communities. They have events pop-ups, too, so look at their website for more information! 

If you have a community project or initiative you would like to share with YCRH, send it to info@sandboxproject.ca!


Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program. -https://cglcc.ca/programs/2slgbtqi-entrepreneurship-program/

Libguides. 2SLGBTQ+ Education Guide. Mental Health. - https://libguides.humber.ca/2SLGBTQ/Mental-Health

Love Intersections. - https://loveintersections.com/

Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2022). Mental Health and Substance Use During COVID-19: Spotlight On 2SLGBTQ+ Communities in Canada. - https://mentalhealthcommission.ca/resource/mental-health-and-substance-use-during-covid-19-spotlight-on-2slgbtq-communities-in-canada/

OUTSaskatoon. Pride Home.  - https://www.outsaskatoon.ca/pride-home/

Queer & Trans Health Collective (QTHC). Peer N Peer Substance Use Program. - https://ourhealthyeg.ca/peer-n-peer

University of Alberta - Faculty of Education Fyrefly Institute. Family Resilience Project. -https://www.ualberta.ca/fyrefly-institute/programs-and-services/family-resilience-project/index.html